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Integration update: support for Hive Metastore on Databricks

We’ve expanded our Databricks integration to include support for Hive Metastore, in addition to our previous support for Unity Catalog.

March 11, 2024

Product, Design

Founding Engineer

March 11, 2024
Integration update: support for Hive Metastore on Databricks

This means Metaplane now supports all of your Databricks workspaces, including any Hive Metastore-based workspaces you might have set up prior to Unity Catalog’s release. By integrating Databricks with Metaplane, you’re able to take advantage of our data observability platform, allowing your team to:

  • Trust your data: Metaplane’s anomaly detection is backed by our proprietary machine-learning models to automatically find data quality incidents across your lakehouse. That automated approach, combined with powerful configuration options, allows your data teams to be the first to know about every data quality incident.
  • Resolve incidents faster: When you use your Databricks Hive Metastore integration alongside integrations with the rest of your data stack, you can easily identify when incidents originate from long-running dbt or Airflow jobs
  • Prevent more incidents: When you integrate a GitHub repo containing your dbt projects, you’llalso be able to proactively prevent incidents from being created through regression tests built directly into your dbt CI process. These regression tests help forecast unintentional changes caused by updates to your transformations.

When you improve your data quality by investing in Metaplane’s data observability platform, your team can:

  • Make better business decisions—Using accurate, whole, fresh data turns your data into a competitive advantage.
  • Create a better product or provide a better service—Machine learning models need high-quality data to perform well. Metaplane’s anomaly detection can help ensure that only the highest-quality data gets used to train your ML models.

Many Metaplane users will have multiple data storage options, such as a transactional database or data warehouse. We also support data observability for these tools:

  • Data warehouses: GCP BigQuery, Clickhouse, AWS Redshift, Snowflake, Azure Synapse
  • Transactional databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server

Find the full list of integrations here.

Get started with Metaplane and Databricks

If you already have a Metaplane account, you can find setup instructions for your Databricks integration in our docs.

Otherwise, to get started with Metaplane, you can create an account or pick a time to learn more about data observability best practices from the team. New users can implement data observability within the hour!

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