data observability

A single source of truth for code changes with Metaplane Data CI/CD
Get answers to all your questions on one page with our Data CI/CD enhancement.
July 11, 2024
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Data quality at a glance with the Metaplane Chrome Extension
The Metaplane Chrome Extension shows all users a summary of the metrics you monitor in Metaplane in a convenient side panel.
July 3, 2024
min read
Announcing Snowflake’s Investment in Metaplane
We’re excited to announce that Snowflake has invested in Metaplane. Here’s how this strengthened partnership will scale us both to new heights.
May 15, 2024
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Launching Today: The Next Evolution in Data Observability
Metaplane's data observability platform introduces its newest evolution in data quality monitoring, including smart monitor suggestions and the ability to monitor everything, from Snowflake spend to dbt jobs and everything in between.
August 8, 2023
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Data Observability
What is Data Observability? The Definitive Guide
June 9, 2023
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Data Quality
Data Monitoring v Data Observability
Learn more about how data quality tests, data monitoring, and data observability differ, while still improving data quality in their own ways.
May 25, 2023
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Data Observability
What Data Observability Is, What It’s Not, and Why it Matters
Data observability is arguably the hottest concept in the data space today, but few have a clear sense of what it means. This blog post offers a definition of data observability, differentiates it from related concepts, and emphasizes why it's important.
May 24, 2023
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Data Observability
Machine Learning Observability vs Data Observability
Learn more about an up and coming space, machine learning monitoring, and how the use cases and functions differ from data observability.
May 24, 2023
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Data Observability
How to Evaluate Data Observability Tools
A framework for data practitioners to evaluate data observability and quality monitoring tools.
May 23, 2023
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Data Observability
Data Observability vs. Software Observability
Overview of the similarities and differences between the established field of Software Observability and the emerging category of Data Observability.
May 23, 2023
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Data Culture
The Role of Data Observability in Data Governance Policies
With countries focused on creating new data governance policies to protect users - it's more important than ever to learn about how data observability can help you avoid heavy regulatory fines.
May 23, 2023
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Data Observability
How To Justify Investing in Data Observability
The four most common reasons for how data leaders justified an investment into data observability, spanning concrete to intangible (but still critical) reasons.
May 20, 2023
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Data Observability
Prioritizing Data Observability: Why Now?
Five important reasons for why you should consider making data quality a priority now, instead of waiting until it becomes an issue.
May 15, 2023
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Data Observability
The Origins, Purpose, and Practice of Data Observability
Data observability is an emerging technology that solves an age-old problem: understanding the state of data systems to increase awareness and trust.
May 15, 2023
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Data Observability
The Four Pillars of Data Observability
How much data do we need to reconstruct a useful picture of our data? That’s the question we attempt to answer in this article. The groupings of questions we need to answer in order to describe our data are the “pillars” that underlie data observability in 2023.
May 10, 2023
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Data Observability
Data Observability in 10 years
Predicting the future of data observability: 10 years from now, automation and generic metadata will be key in incident management and data management.
April 27, 2023
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Data Observability
Data Observability Defined
Data observability is vital for ensuring high-quality data and informed decision-making. We cover its benefits, challenges, and how it impacts businesses.
April 20, 2023
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Data Observability
The Data Observability Playbook: Best Practices for Data Engineers
If you already know data observability would benefit your company, but don't how to evaluate, buy, and implement it, this blog post is for you.
September 21, 2022
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Data Observability
Should You Buy, Borrow, or Build a Data Observability Tool?
If you're ready to adopt data observability but don't know which path to take, this post is for you. Discover the benefits, costs, and risks of building a tool from scratch, leveraging open-source software, and buying a commercial solution.
September 15, 2022
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Data Observability
The Most Common Misconceptions About Data Observability
As the new kid on the block, data observability often goes misunderstood. In this blog post, we strive to correct the misconceptions we hear most frequently.
September 14, 2022
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Data Observability
6 Signs You Need a Data Observability Tool
As data observability tools grow in popularity, many data leaders are asking themselves, “Does my team need one?” In this blog post, we share six signs you need one and three signs you don't.
September 8, 2022
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